Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Unmitigated Agony

I just encountered one of my biggest pet peeves in life -- I got a bowl and a spoon out of the cabinet, poured a nice bowl of Golden Grahams, and opened up the refrigerator to find that we were OUT OF MILK!


What is one of your biggest pet peeves?


Anonymous said...

Without a doubt, (and only the ladies may be able to relate with me on this one) it is when I go into a stall in an empty restroom and someone comes in after me and insists on taking the stall RIGHT next to mine, even though there are 5 others to choose from!!! STALL STALKERS! Have you no regard for my privacy? And what about YOUR privacy? Whenever I enter a restroom, I always choose an available stall that is not right next to a fellow pee-r. Of course this rule does not apply when you have no choice, but when you do, please think twice before stall stalking. It is RUDE!

The Hodges Family said...

HAHAH! that stall stalking is so funny, I've never really thought about that but it is quite annoying! :) haha! We love you Michael and Heidi Gray! :) i'll think of a pet peave and let you know, one's not jumping out at me.